We Craft World-Class Vegan Bags

We Craft World-Class Vegan Bags
13th November 2017 digestivecookie

From London to Tokyo: We Craft World-Class Vegan Bags

luxe vegan

Tokyo Bags was founded on the belief that products that are animal-free should be masculine as well.

It may be hard to believe, but animal leather is out of style. The material that was once synonymous with modern and style is now more associated with Passé, Blasé and Outdated, not for its look, but rather for its harmful and cruelly in production. Wearing leather isn’t in sync with environmentalist, humanitarian, or animal-loving sympathies.

We believe that the global citizen is now a conscious consumer, which is why Tokyo Bags is making high micro-fibre pieces to compliment a sleek, world-traveling wardrobe. Geared specifically toward men, the masculine and modern pieces are great for women, as well, who want more substantial items.

Thanks to Vilda Luxe vegan Living for the media coverage. Read the complete article on Tokyo Bags’ Vegan Bags.